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Posts tagged ‘Freedom’

Everyone Has A Starting Point


Let today be recorded in history.

November 9, 2016 will forever be labeled in my mind as my “rude awakening”.  I no longer have time to sit back and play the scene. Today was spent on researching stocks, re-framing my relationship with money, taking accountability for my actions, and last but not least making strategic plans to fully step into Sereetta.

I am not a firm believer in the promises of this country. Knowing success is attainable and actually taking steps towards that attainment are not synonymous.  The hurdles are daunting yet exciting.  Once I fully examined the state of my existence in the US I’m no longer angry nor bitter.  I’m over it.


I know the true nature of people is good and pure.  We make choices along the way that chip away our pureness and goodness.  Instead of going back to center we continue down paths of destruction, hate, hurt, and dishonesty.  Today I chose to go back to center. I am re-calibrating myself. I chose to live authentically and create a community/space where others can do the same.

I stand with any and everyone who seek to be whole. My purpose is rooted with those who are searching and are afraid to step out.  If your scared… you have three options (1)watch me (2) join me  (3) wait for me to cross the other side and then come back for you.


What I did Wednesday November 9, 2016 :

  1. I mourned the old and reset my mind for the new.
  2. Studied the market
  3. Set up Robinhood account :
  4. Traded a few stocks I currently have.
  5. Checked balances on retirement accounts.
  6. Checked back in with the Bugetnista:
  7. Wrote down the lies I believe about money. Dug deep and figured out why I believe the lies then I erased the lies and wrote the truth.
  8. Begun planning for “Such a times as this” cooperative.




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