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Posts from the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Home alone 

So I had roughly 4 hours to myself this afternoon/evening. Guess what I did? WORK 😉😃😃😃👍 (for my job and Jeremiah) 

School is back in session in two more days so today was dedicated to church then planning and prepping. Happy New Year everyone! There are so many beautiful things planned for 2017. I can’t wait to share. 

Below are some new concepts my students are working on that I made interactive notebook pages for. Also I constructed a memory box to help students increase focus and memorization skills. 

Home alone 

So image roughly 4 hours to myself this afternoon/evening. Guess what I did? WORK 😉😃😃😃👍 (for my job and Jeremiah) 

School is back in session next in two more days so today was dedicated to church then planning and prepping. Happy New Year everyone! There are so many beautiful things planned for 2017. I can’t wait to share. 

I’m not scared

Sometimes you have to remind yourself and saturate the atmosphere with this one truth… NO weapon formed against me shall ever prosper.  

See you thought you were hurting me when you were only making me stronger.  Every setback, every calculated strategy you devised against me is only bringing me closer to my victory. Enemy you forgot whose child I am.  I am the child of the living God.  The creator of the heavens and earth.  The author and finisher.  The alpha and omega.  I have always been the head and never the tail.  I am always walking in step with my creator because God lives within me! I am the definition of redeemed, restored, and love supreme.  God I praise your name with every fiber of my being.

Whomever happens to be reading this whenever your feeling heavy and your back is up against the wall find these words:

 Find what God said in Jeremiah 1:11-12 MSG

” I’m sticking with you. I’ll make every word I give you come true”

Recite daily Matthew 16: 19 

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you lose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Remember Proverbs 18:16 ESV

A [woman’s]man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before the great.

Meditate on 2 Corinthians 4:6-7 NLT

For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.  We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure.  This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not four ourselves.

Rejoice in Romans 8:28-29

And we know that in all things God works for the good of thoes who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  For thoes God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.


 Final thoughts; 

You can’t lose unless you chose to lose.  Today chose to walk in the authority given to you by God. Know that you have every key available to you! You have everything you need! Walk in this truth and live life powerfully! I’m done preaching! 

First 7 days of #40DaysMorningYoga

What I’ve learned/experienced:

  1. I love moving my body in the comfort of my home and classroom  So most of my yoga experience has taken place in yoga studios across the five boroughs.
  2. I’m flexible and I love it!
  3. Pinterest and Instagram will give you inspiration for days.
  4. Yoga has helped me further cope with some negative feelings and emotions that have surfaced in the last year or two.  The breathing techniques I practice daily and the release of energy first thing in the morning is a true blessing.
  5. Jeremiah loves spending time with his mother so incorporating him during my practice is a must.
  6. This journey is much needed and I am thankful for the ability to participate.





Everyone Has A Starting Point


Let today be recorded in history.

November 9, 2016 will forever be labeled in my mind as my “rude awakening”.  I no longer have time to sit back and play the scene. Today was spent on researching stocks, re-framing my relationship with money, taking accountability for my actions, and last but not least making strategic plans to fully step into Sereetta.

I am not a firm believer in the promises of this country. Knowing success is attainable and actually taking steps towards that attainment are not synonymous.  The hurdles are daunting yet exciting.  Once I fully examined the state of my existence in the US I’m no longer angry nor bitter.  I’m over it.


I know the true nature of people is good and pure.  We make choices along the way that chip away our pureness and goodness.  Instead of going back to center we continue down paths of destruction, hate, hurt, and dishonesty.  Today I chose to go back to center. I am re-calibrating myself. I chose to live authentically and create a community/space where others can do the same.

I stand with any and everyone who seek to be whole. My purpose is rooted with those who are searching and are afraid to step out.  If your scared… you have three options (1)watch me (2) join me  (3) wait for me to cross the other side and then come back for you.


What I did Wednesday November 9, 2016 :

  1. I mourned the old and reset my mind for the new.
  2. Studied the market
  3. Set up Robinhood account :
  4. Traded a few stocks I currently have.
  5. Checked balances on retirement accounts.
  6. Checked back in with the Bugetnista:
  7. Wrote down the lies I believe about money. Dug deep and figured out why I believe the lies then I erased the lies and wrote the truth.
  8. Begun planning for “Such a times as this” cooperative.




Let the journey begin


No Apology

I’m ready. I am ready to begin again. I have forgiven myself and given myself permission to be.
Be me
Be happy
Be free
Be positive
Be forgiven
Be whole
Be inspired
Be loved
Be love
Be big
Be sad
Be safe
Be honest

I will not ask permission. Permission has been granted from me.


Sun Stand Still Promises

This post will probably be my most vulnerable, audacious, out of character post to date…. As I am typing I can feel the fear attempting to creep into my mind. But over the course of the last year I’ve learned to activate my FAITH instead of my fear… So let me start with a prayer:


Lord, please help me. Let your words flow through me. Touch hearts and bless hearts through this message Lord.  Amen

As most of you know I began an early learning childcare center almost two years ago. Mighty Warriors Childcare has totally transformed my life and forced me to see God in such a different lenses. I’ve learned to obey God, trust his word, keep his promises tucked away in my heart, and never allow my feelings to dictate my life.

The biggest question I’ve asked myself during this period is: What am I called to do?

Lord you told me to start a daycare but where and when are the children coming?

Lord you want me to pour my knowledge and love but I don’t have a receptive staff…

Lord, you want me to be prosperous and multiply but I have no provision…

Lord, you want me to strengthen and revitalize but I need rest…

Lord, my faith lies in you but I’m still struggling! TRUST YOU????

Lord, I’ve given everything up and I still don’t hear you. What do you want me to do?


This is pretty much the timeline of my thoughts and fears throughout this past two years. Through the lack of children, the hospitalizations of my son, struggles with employees, landlord DRAMA, lack of business knowledge, overbearing daycare parents, lack of finances, medical diagnosis and extreme back pain, tears, depression, self-doubt, and pity. I’ve finally came to a place of total surrender and complete faith in my Father. Once I surrendered a shift occurred internally and externally.


When I felt doubt God gave me Gideon’s story.

When I felt self-pity God gave me Elijah’s story.

When I felt depressed God gave me Joseph’s story.

When my tears wouldn’t stop I remembered Job’s story.

When fear entered my heart I turned to David’s story.

When God asked me to help someone who was worst off than myself I remembered Ruth’s story.

When I needed love God reminded me that Jesus died for ME( there is no greater love than this).

Finally when I felt “what else can I do” I remembered Joshua’s sun stand still prayer.

God didn’t forsake or abandon me he gave me what I needed just when I needed it. I seriously think I can write a book based upon the last two years! Ha, I haven’t lost my humor either!

And to be quite honest I’m still living one of the toughest times yet. My landlord has given me my 3rd written 30 days notice(through no fault of my own). I have decided to no longer play the cat and mouse game of more rent every _ amount of months. Therefore, I have to move within the next 30 days, and guess what… God has yet to give me the provision needed nor direction, but Remember that decision I made to stand on God’s word and keep his promises guarded in my heart! That’s a life long stance through the thick and thin. I WILL continue to trust him and be obedient to his call.  It’s during the hard times God is doing his best work!

I’ve actually been praying for a property for almost a year now! 1501 Dean Street. A beautiful multi family unit that would be an amazing space to own and house the Mighty Warriors Ministry. There’s just one little detail I keep overlooking when telling people to pray for it… its 1.1 million dollars in one of the most up and coming areas of Brooklyn. But can someone touch and agree with me that nothing is impossible for God! Although many might consider me crazy for even thinking this property could be considered mine (very soon I pray) GOD IS ABLE.  I know God would never give me a promise he couldn’t keep!

This has officially become my longest post to date, lol. I pray it has been encouraging and sustaining for someone who is struggling with trusting God. I pray this post will transform minds and hearts. I pray whoever reads this takes a bold step and prays an impossible prayer that only God can answer.

I love you and cannot wait to come back and share the amazing things God is doing. Please message me or comment below your Sun Stand Still Prayers!




All of This for FREE!!!!

I must be kidding… Nothing in this city is ever free! We’ll my friends that is not true. I recently told you guys I have phased out of elementary education and I am now working solely in early education, , SHAMELESS plug! So when I decided to make this move I immediately began calculating things in my head and of course the calculations began to add up quickly!!! Thankfully I have incredible family and friends who donated a wealth of toys and equipment. Once I exhausted that resource I began researching and guess what I found… The Union I am affiliated with (UFT Providers) gives every new provider who fills out one form, two huge boxes of Melissa and Doug toys!!!!!! Can you believe it!!!??? I know it’s almost scary to believe people don’t apply every year because they fail to inquire and read the small print. Check out my goodies below! List of contents

Second box list of contents

The beautiful boxes!

Out of this box I think I love the crayons and trains the most!

Out of this box I think I love the crayons and trains the most!

Oh this lovely display has the wooden puzzles that I love

Growling at dogs comes natural

One semi warm day Jeremiah and I were leisurely strolling the streets of NYC.  I ,of course, labored through the streets pushing a ex-large stroller while my plump little darling looked on.  All of a sudden a rather large dog approached Jeremiah in a very menacing way (let me also share I was attacked by a dog in my youth and have since had a very rocky relationship with all dogs).

Now back to the story..  the dog inches his way closer to Jeremiah and begins growling at him.  Of course Jeremiah, in his innocence, smiles and stretches out his hand.  I immediately swivel the stroller so that I positioned between Jeremiah and the dog and proceed to growl at the “friendly” four-legged animal.  When I say growl I mean GROWL!!! Now this scene might sound amusing or somewhat unbelievable to you but in actuality it was one of the most frightening experiences of my life.  Once my heart slowed down and my righteous anger dissipated to a slightly annoyance I was quite proud of myself!

You see when you constantly tell yourself you are afraid of x,y,and z you don’t think your immediate reaction will be strong and fierce.  I learned on that day and many occasions after when something or someone is an immediate threat to my child I WILL immediately act. I become a fierce lioness that will stop at nothing to protect her cub.  In this moment I realized that God has given me an innate ability to protect my child at any and all cost! Fear can no longer reside in me, anxiousness, doubt and worry also have no place.  In the 23 months of Jeremiah’s life I have made many decisions that affect his immediate and distant future.  Having a child with a chronic illness is no easy task and often times you will doubt yourself and the decisions you make.  Please lay your doubt, fear, aside anxiousness God will equip you with the knowledge you need to endure.  You have to put in the work( researching, praying, studying, listening) but I promise you God will never forsake you.  This post is not just for mothers/fathers raising children with chronic illnesses this is for everyone who has struggled with fear and insecurities. Face them, acknowledge that the only power they hold is the power you feed it and move on! Even if you have to go through this process several times before shaking your fear there is no shame. JUST DO IT!!!!! I pray this was encouraging for someone!

I’ve begun a summer study of Lioness Arising by Lisa Bevere. You will see me quoting her quite a few times from here on out so be prepared! If you’re looking to hone your Lioness Skills check out the book!  As for Jeremiah and I we continue to roam the streets of NYC and I’m still growling at dogs 🙂

I am absolutely loving this book!


Sister Lend Me Your Ear

anthology from women to women

...sometimes a chef.

Sometimes a lawyer, sometimes a writer...

The Lott of Us....

Our Crazy, Wonderful, Chaotic Life...

Writing My History

Ramblings from the road less traveled